Last week I talked abouta case called Sabo v. Sabo, 2013 ONCJ 545 (Ont. C.J.), which involved spouses who had gone to court to try to have their separation agreement changed – the wife to have the spousal support she received from the husband increased, and the husband to have the support he paid eliminated entirely. They were both unsuccessful, primarily because the court applied an established legal test for when an agreement could be changed.
Although the separation agreement in that case had been drafted with the assistance of lawyers, the court took pains to point out that it contained a large number of omissions, and failed to cover off a large array of potential scenarios and changes that might arise for the spouses in the future.
In particular, the court pointed out that the separation agreement was missing:
In short, the court felt the agreement as drafted left much to be desired. Nonetheless, this itemization of the gaps in this particular agreement is instructive: for other spouses considering a separation, it serves as a good laundry-list of items for discussion between them, not to mention a helpful landmark indicator of what any good, comprehensive separation agreement should entail (at a very minimum).
Are you considering a separation? Do you need help with identifying those points that should be covered? Contact us for a consultation.