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Shulman & Partners' Guide to Alternative Dispute Resolution

Everyone has heard a story about a horrific divorce, but the reality is that many cases can be resolved in an amicable and cost effective manner. Alternative Dispute Resolution is one way couples who want to end their relationship without having to attend court can achieve that goal. We’ve created a guide dedicated exclusively to ADR to help couples who want to learn more about how this approach may help them.

Our FREE Guide to ADR Includes:

  • The Various Types of ADR
  • Paths to Resolving Disputes Using ADR
  • How to Determine if ADR is Right for You
  • The Pros and Cons of ADR
  • The Outcome of ADR

After completing this guide, you should be able to understand how ADR works, what it can and cannot do, and which methods may best cater to your needs.


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More Than One Way To Divorce

There is always more than one way to divorce. Allow Shulman’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Guide to help you get through the process with more control and less stress.

  1. What Is ADR?
    How the process works and what you can expect.
  2. Resolving Family Law Disputes
    Alternative Dispute Resolution vs. Litigation.
  3. Is ADR Right for You?
    Determine the best course of action for you.
  4. Various Types of ADR
    Learn about the different types of ADR.
  5. The Pros and Cons of ADR
    Taking a closer look.
  6. What is the Lawyer’s Role in ADR
    Family lawyers and their role in ADR.
  7. The Outcome of ADR
    Negotiations, mediations and agreements.
  8. Conclusion
    Final points.