Our Fees
In most cases, our fees are based on an hourly rate, which means that the total cost of the work will depend on the amount of work we will need to do. When you decide to retain our firm, you will be asked to deposit an initial retainer. These funds will be held in a special trust account and will only be accessed on your specific instructions in order to pay our account for work we have completed.

Did you know?
When trying to estimate your cost, a lawyer’s hourly rate only tells half the story. A lawyer’s efficiency or the amount of work a lawyer can do in a given hour also factors into the equation. While the hourly rate of more experienced counsel is higher, certain complex tasks may actually take much less time and is therefore more cost effective.
Currently Hourly Rates
Lawyers: $330.00 to $700.00
Law Clerks: $185.00 to $285.00
Detailed monthly accounts
Our accounts are detailed, comprehensive, and easy to read. All billed work is dated and recorded with sufficient detail so the client understands what was done, the amount of time it took, and the team member who performed the work. Our accounts provide full accountability to our clients for the work we have done.
Written Estimates
Family Law cases are inherently unpredictable and, as such, it is often times impossible to predict the costs beyond an expected range. In some cases solid estimates are possible based on our experience. When we are able to provide a solid estimate we provide it in writing and we stand behind it.
Flat Rates
In some instances we are able to extend flat rates to our clients when we are able to predict the amount of work that would be required. When a flat rate is extended there are no hidden fees or extra charges. We will complete the work which was agreed to for the price as stated.
We currently offer the following flat rates:
Simple Uncontested Divorce – $2,500.00 + HST (plus ordinary court fees and disbursements).
Legal Aid
We do not accept legal aid certificates.
Are you looking for a consultation?
We are the most quoted family law lawyers in Ontario mainstream media.