How A Qualified Investigator Can Compliment Your Family Law Team

February 16, 2018
Axis Geffen

Article written by Axis Geffen

When dealing with a separation or divorce, many people look to professionals, such as family lawyers, to help them resolve it. Without assistance, it’s easy to become emotionally overwhelmed and confused. But, when choosing a law firm that will best represent them, many people don’t consider what additional resources the firm can offer. If you’re in this position, you may want to consider hiring a firm that can provide investigative support options. A family law firm that collaborates with a qualified private investigator can benefit you and your case in many ways, including:

  • Saving you time in searching for answers. An investigator knows how and where to look.
  • Saving you money in building your case. Investigations will be done correctly the first time, using the right resources for your unique case.
  • Improving the quality of your case. It’s not enough to find an answer; you need to be able to show that the evidence was obtained in a legal manner, and it needs to be presented correctly. Otherwise you could face liability or charges for your actions.

In addition to the administrative benefits of selecting a family law firm with a reliable and competent investigation team, there are additional options that become available to you, including (but not limited to):

Financial Fraud / Asset Searches

While one of the most important aspects of many family matters, there are very clear and defined limits as to what can be searched for, how it can be searched for, and how the learned information can be presented or brought forward in court. Furthermore, the rules change in almost every jurisdiction throughout each country and around the world. Only qualified investigators know how to responsibly conduct these investigations and provide answers in a manner that is compliant.

Background Checks / Criminal History

There is nothing wrong with wanting to know more about something or someone in your life, the lives of your children, or someone you care about. You can’t always ask the question directly, and sometimes, even if you do ask, you can’t be sure if you’re receiving the truth. PIs have various resources available to help you find these answers.

Infidelity / Paternity

This can be a very hard issue for many people to face, but sometimes, you just need to know the truth. PIs can confirm or negate your suspicions within the bounds of the law and with absolute discretion.

Abuse / Elder Abuse / Neglect

Nobody likes to think that a care provider or a loved one would intentionally harm someone you care about. But the truth is that abuse and neglect are far more common than most people realize. Investigators can review each party’s history, monitor their current interactions and provide insight to support or negate these concerns.

Technological Investigation

Experienced investigators have the legal ability to conduct examinations of your home, office, vehicles, assets, and digital electronics for tampering, fraudulent use, or to obtain and document evidence that may have been deleted or removed. Even after files are deleted, there are often traces of information that can be equally incriminating, and in some cases, the absence of information can prove that evidence was intentionally destroyed or damaged.

Custody Matters / Surveillance

Sometimes the only way to gain peace of mind is to know for certain what is happening when you are not present. There are endless reasons that you may be concerned for your children, and a qualified PI can provide consistent answers with documentation that provides you with options in the event that the findings are negative. When you are an involved party, claiming to see something yourself can be overlooked or dismissed by authorities. However, solid documented evidence from a competent third party can provide you with the resources you need.

Sensitive Situation Investigations

PIs with international experience can provide assistance with matters that are both foreign and domestic. This can include foreign asset determination, foreign child custody issues, kidnapping or abduction concerns, personal protection services, stalking, harassment or sexual harassment, adoption integrity verification, Hague Law related process service or legal matters, missing or deceased person location, and heir location services.

Truly competent investigators provide numerous options and benefits to their clients by enhancing the quality of information that the client’s legal team has at their disposal. Through the successful collaboration of both a legal team and a investigation team, a client can rest assured that they will be represented responsibly.