3 Ways to Keep a Healthy Heart After a Divorce

April 8, 2016
Del Mahabadi

Article written by Del Mahabadi

There is no nice way to say this, divorce hurts. While there is no cure for a broken heart, there are many methods that you can use to ease the pain. And as you should! A recent study from Duke University has released some interesting information on the connection between divorce and the health of your heart.

The research showed that divorce is definitely associated with a higher risk of heart disease in both men and women. To put this in perspective, someone who has gone through a divorce has similar risks of heart disease as someone who has diabetes or high blood pressure.

Divorce can hurt your heart in more ways than one. Here are 3 easy tips to help you keep a healthy heart when going through a divorce:

1. Stretch

Practicing Yoga can help you relax, fight stress, and maintain a healthy heart rate. It lowers your blood pressure, increases lung capacity through breathing techniques, and is a great way to meet new people!


2. Eat chocolate

Yes, we are serious. Rich, dark chocolate not only helps reduce blood clot formation, but also contains flavonoids that can help prevent heart disease through their antioxidant powers.

3. Get a pet

Getting a pet after your divorce can help heal your broken heart. Pets encourage interaction with others and can lower the rate of heart disease and improve heart and lung function. A recent study at Cambridge University found that owning a pet produced improvements in the overall health of the owner in as little as one month.


Separation and Divorce can be a difficult and uncertain time. Our team of Toronto family lawyers is dedicated to relentlessly pursue our clients’ interests, and getting exceptional results. Contact us for a  consultation.