Edible Cannabis Products and Kids – A Dangerous Combination?

April 20, 2020
Gary Direnfeld

Article written by Gary Direnfeld

It is no secret, although they wanted it to be a secret. However, after the ambulance came, the secret was out. A parent found some brownies in the freezer put there by an adult child. Seeking to enjoy a snack, the parent ate a few brownies. Within an hour, the parent felt lightheaded, out of control and was concerned they were having a stroke. The parent was never a cannabis user and didn’t know the current experience was the high from a brownie made with cannabis.

It was quite a high. Before learning what had been ingested, the ambulance was called. The brownie connection was figured out later.

It is happening to kids too – of all ages.


Today’s edibles, foods and candies infused with cannabis come in all types and dosages. Some edibles look like common kid’s candies such as gummy bears and chocolates. Like any candy, it is enticing. Not uncommonly, kids, like adults, will enjoy sneaking a candy or other enticing edible without detection. This leaves kids at risk.

The risks to a child are many. They include, passing out where if they fall, can get hurt; vomiting and chocking on the content; falling and tripping leading to injury; fear of the experience from the high; overdose leading to death.

These products are legal. Legality is not the issue. Access to the products is the issue. Just as we would not want kids having access to alcohol products, so too they must be protected from edibles.

Keep your edibles in a safe place where the kids cannot access them.

Like any intoxicant, use responsibly and not in the company of your children or when you have parenting responsibilities. As a concern between separated parents, these issues can lead to conflict and undermine a parent’s time with their children.

Kids first, edibles and other intoxicants second, when one isn’t responsible for the care of the kids.