Article written by Kim Brown
Most people just want their divorce to be over. But they also don’t want to feel like they got the short end of the stick.
So, how can you ensure a smoother divorce and still be happy with the outcome?
The tips below should help you achieve both goals.
Fight To Tie
Yes, this kind of contradicts the title. But when possible, it’s best to try to find a compromise that you and your ex can live with.
When exes think in terms of winning and losing, it inevitably creates more conflict, which can lead to family court. This means parties spend more time and money fighting.
You shouldn’t necessarily accept the first agreement purposed by the opposing party, but do try to maintain reasonable expectations.
If you’re seeking to “get everything,” you will likely be disappointed.
Listen To Your lawyer
You hired your lawyer because they understand how to protect your legal rights (and what a good solution looks like). Family law can be very complex, and having a professional to guide you and create a strong strategy for you will make the divorce process infinitely easier.
Trust your lawyer to be the rational thinker when they are offering you solutions. Remember, he or she is working for you, and fighting or ignoring requests will make the process more difficult and more draining.
Be Honest
It’s important to be honest and give your lawyer all of the facts, even if they aren’t all good (plus, there isn’t much you could say to surprise your lawyer). They need to have all of this information so that they understand where the potential weaknesses in your case may be, and so they can build a defense around those weaknesses.
Honesty is crucial when it comes to financial disclosure, so please do not try to hide money. Altering or hiding financial information weakens the credibility and strength of any case, especially if it is being presented in court.
Vent, But Not Online
Even the most amicable divorces evoke anger, sadness and stress. It’s good to get those feelings out. Do take time to grieve and to vent, but please do not share all of those thoughts and feelings on social media.
Posts and pictures shared online can be used as evidence, and using Facebook to badmouth your ex is a great way to build a case for the other side.
You can talk to friends and family that you trust, but consider counselling as well if it’s becoming hard to maintain your daily routine.
Put Your Children First
Parents who are getting divorced will inevitably worry about the well-being of their kids. However, some parents do not realize that when they fight with their ex about the kids, it often does much more harm to the children than good.
Sometimes, parents will need to go to court to resolve a custody or access issue, but avoid starting battles just to hurt or get back at your ex. The best thing parents can do during a divorce is give their child a conflict-free environment to live and grow in, and create opportunities for the child to build and maintain healthy relationships with both parents.