Article written by Shulman Law Firm
In a field that is constantly evolving, it is no wonder our team believes in being “Forever Students.” Committed to keeping our expertise up to date so that we can ensure our clients are receiving the best possible family law support, we never miss out on a chance to take advantage of a professional development opportunity. This March, the go-to conference for family law professionals returned and you bet our team was eager to attend. At the 18th Annual Family Law Summit, we learned about the latest in our field including a deep dive into various critical topics that directly impact the practice of family law and our valued clients. Alyssa, Laura, and Ekroop attended in-person, receiving judicial insights on topics such as the use of AI in ADR, family violence in racialized communities and the complexities of spousal support entitlement. Despite a busy schedule, Ruhaina also attended virtually, storing away her learning like the others so that they can apply it to the incredible work we do every day.