Article written by Axis Geffen
What is one of the toughest things to do once you realize that you have a matter that requires the assistance of a lawyer? To find one that you can trust, rely on, and afford. If your matter is based in Family Law, this can be even harder. There are tons of articles, ads, and people around you and online giving you advice. While that is great, it’s also overwhelming, and sometimes the information conflicts. So what can you do?
In the digital age, you can always turn to Google or Siri. But the results that come back can be paid for or altered based on the search criteria. In this article, I’m going to highlight a few of my favourite online/social media resources to follow online or in social media. I’m not saying you have to pick any of these sources… but they provide a fair bit of content for free. That means you get the benefit of an overview of your issue without having to pay for it!
Shulman & Partners Family Law Firm
Yes, fair enough, I do write for them and there is a natural bias there. That being said, in working with Ron and his team of lawyers over the years, the firm continues to impress me with its FREE online resources and social media savvy. They are really easy to follow on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. More than that, they offer a FREE online knowledge base. It covers hundreds of topics and they use industry professionals for every article.
Shulman & Partners also currently hosts, The Family Insider, a radio talk show every Sunday at 4:00 p.m. on Newstalk1010. During this show, anyone can call in live with their questions or concerns. Laura Paris, an associate lawyer from the firm, will address those matters or provide appropriate resources to the caller for further review.
I’ve known a lot of people that have gone through domestic disputes, abuse, violence, separations, divorce, and even matters revolving around retirement and providing care to seniors. Over the years there simply hasn’t been a one-stop-shop for free information that compares to this one. I regularly direct friends and clients to review articles by myself and others on this forum. It offers a lot of easy-to-understand information in one place. AND IT’S FREE!
Dealing with Divorce by Darlene Rites
Yes, spoiler alert! I’ve worked with Darlene too! Dealing with Divorce is a great FREE online podcast that I regularly listen to. From December 2020 to February 2021, a new episode was released weekly. I’ve been waiting for the next one for a bit but this podcast allows you to hear some different perspectives on how to protect yourself and your assets while navigating divorce. You can also follow Darlene on LinkedIn and Facebook.
Kelly Chang Rickert (California USA)
Okay, she’s not in Canada but her social media is great! She’s entertaining, fun, informative, and she’s written a great book to help children understand divorce. She can be followed on LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok.
Other great resources!
You can follow @TopLawFirms or @lawsocietylso if you’re looking for interesting information about legal matters in general. Or you can always follow Judge Anthony Bompiani or Lawyer Mike Mandell if you’re looking for some new ways to get a glimpse of the law with an entertaining twist.
Overall, there are lots of possible resources across the internet to help you with your legal matter(s) or to give you a chuckle to ease your legal tensions but the best resources during Covid-19 are the ones that can offer you remote abilities like conducting Consultations and Appointments by virtual methods. This helps you save time and money while keeping you safe from possible exposure. Video calls, Zoom-style meetings, Phone Calls, Emails, etc. For example, I know that the Shulman & Partners Family Law Firm uses “Teams” and can accommodate the needs of clients without having to meet them in person.
Even documents can often be received, signed, and returned using software like DocuSign. This allows clients to participate in their legal matter without having to physically attend courts, office locations or pay for parking!
Regardless of who you choose to handle your legal matter, or if you’re just curious and want to be “in the know”, following reliable resources like those noted in this article will help you stay ahead of things. Oh, and I suppose if you are curious about investigations specifically, you could follow my firm on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter. Thanks for reading – don’t forget to share!